using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
using BaseEntity;
namespace Kenneth.DotNet.EntityTool
public class Interval
public DateTime Start { get; set; }
public DateTime End { get; set; }
public Interval(DateTime start, DateTime end)
Start = start;
End = end;
class SqlClassCreate
private string showtag = "Displayer";
private string querytag = "Query";
private string _tableTestColumnName = "sys_define_column";
private string _tableTestName = "sys_define_table";
//private string _tableTestColumnName = "sys_define_column_test";
//private string _tableTestName = "sys_define_table_test";
private string _connStr;
private string _tableName;
private string _filePath;
private string _fileName;
private string _kparam;
private int columnIndex = 1;
public string ConnStr
get { return _connStr; }
set { _connStr = value; }
public string TableName
get { return _tableName; }
set { _tableName = value; }
public string FilePath
get { return _filePath; }
set { _filePath = value; }
public string KeyParameter
get { return _kparam; }
_kparam = value;// string.Format("{0}_{1}", value, TableName);
public SqlClassCreate()
this._connStr = string.Empty;
this._fileName = string.Empty;
this._filePath = string.Empty;
this._tableName = string.Empty;
private void CreateFile(string tableName)
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(this._filePath))
System.IO.DirectoryInfo _info = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(this._filePath);
if (!_info.Exists)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("目录创建错误", "错误");
TextInfo tInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo;
string bigname = tInfo.ToTitleCase(tableName).Replace("_", "");
string groupname = tInfo.ToTitleCase(tableName.Split('_')[0]);
if (groupname.Equals("Sys"))
groupname = "System";
SqlHelper.connectionString = this._connStr;
//for get length
string SQL = string.Format("SELECT * FROM " + _tableTestColumnName + " WHERE TableName='{0}' order by ColumnIndex asc", tableName);
DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(SQL);
List<SysDefineColumnEntity> columns = SqlHelper.DataTableToIList<SysDefineColumnEntity>(dt) as List<SysDefineColumnEntity>;
columns.Insert(0, new SysDefineColumnEntity() { ColumnName = "RecId", ColumnType = "varchar", ColumnLength = 36, ColumnDesc = "主键" });
columns.Add(new SysDefineColumnEntity() { ColumnName = "OrderBy", ColumnType = "int" });
columns.Add(new SysDefineColumnEntity() { ColumnName = "CreateBy", ColumnType = "varchar", ColumnLength = 36, ColumnDesc = "创建人ID" });
columns.Add(new SysDefineColumnEntity() { ColumnName = "CreateTime", ColumnType = "datetime", ColumnLength = 36, ColumnDesc = "创建时间" });
columns.Add(new SysDefineColumnEntity() { ColumnName = "ModifyBy", ColumnType = "varchar", ColumnLength = 36, ColumnDesc = "修改人ID" });
columns.Add(new SysDefineColumnEntity() { ColumnName = "ModifyTime", ColumnType = "datetime", ColumnLength = 36, ColumnDesc = "修改时间" });
columns.Add(new SysDefineColumnEntity() { ColumnName = "IsActive", ColumnType = "int" });
string name;
string length = string.Empty;
//int index = 0;
//fill js
string ClearInputInformation = "";
string SendInputId = "";
string LoadResult = "";
string SaveParameters = "";
string UpdateSingleRow = "";
string FillResult = "";
string InitGridcolNames = "";
string InitGrid1 = "";
string InitLogGrid1 = "";
string InitGrid2 = "";
string InitLogGrid2 = "";
string SetValidations = "";
string RequiredInformation = "";
string ToNumeral = "";
string ReleaseInputInformation = "";
string DyUploadControl = "";
string HtmlViewOpened = "";
string HtmlViewShow = "";
//fill aspx
string TableContents = "";
string SaveColumnInfoBase = "";
string SaveColumnInfoFull = "";
string AlterColumnInfoFull = "";
string ExcelHeader = "";
string ExcelContent = "";
string AllFields = "";
string InsertAllFields = "";
string PoolFields = "";
string All__Fields = "";
string QueryField1 = "";
string QueryField2 = "";
string SqlParameters = "";
string AddWithParameters = "";
string ConvertSingleData = "";
string LogSqlParameters = "";
string SqlParametersNames = "";
string LogSqlParametersNames = "";
string UpdateSqlParametersNames = "";
string Update__SqlParametersNames = "";
string ImportColumns = "";
string UpdateBuffers = "";
string QueryFromWhereString = "";
string QueryFromWhereSql = "";
string QueryFromWhereKeys = "";
string QueryFromWhereCondition = "";
string QueryConditionScript = "";
string QueryConditionDialog = "";
string GetSet = "";
string ShowTag = "";
string Properties = "";
var codes = columns.Find(q => q.IsCode == 1);
if (codes != null)
QueryField1 = codes.ColumnName;
var keywords = columns.Find(q => q.IsKeyWord == 1);
if (keywords != null)
QueryField2 = keywords.ColumnName;
for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
SysDefineColumnEntity column = columns[i];
name = column.ColumnName;
bool isDateTime = (column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("date") || column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("time"));
bool isNumber = (column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("int") || column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("byte") || column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("decimal"));
length = column.ColumnLength.ToString();
AllFields = AllFields + "t." + name + ",";
InsertAllFields = InsertAllFields + name + ",";
PoolFields = PoolFields + name + ",";
All__Fields = All__Fields + "@" + name + ",";
if (name.Equals("RecId"))
SendInputId = "\"" + name + "\": currentModifyID" + KeyParameter + "[0]";
InitGrid1 = "colModel.push({ sortable: true, name: '" + name + "', index: 'Key', key: true, hidden: true });";
InitLogGrid1 = "colModel.push({ sortable: false, name: '" + name + "', index: '" + name + "', hidden: true });";
string modelhide = column.IsShowInGrid == 1 ? "false" : "true";
string defaultwidth = column.DefaultGridLength > 0 ? string.Format(", width: {0}", column.DefaultGridLength) : "";
if (isDateTime)
InitGrid2 = InitGrid2 + "colModel.push({ sortable: true" + defaultwidth + ", name: '" + name + "', hidden: " + modelhide + ", index: '" + name + "', formatter: 'date', formatoptions: { srcformat: 'Y-m-d H:i:s', newformat: 'Y-m-d H:i:s'} });\r\n ";
InitLogGrid2 = InitLogGrid2 + "colModel.push({ sortable: false" + defaultwidth + ", name: '" + name + "', hidden: " + modelhide + ", index: '" + name + "', formatter: 'date', formatoptions: { srcformat: 'Y-m-d H:i:s', newformat: 'Y-m-d H:i:s'} });\r\n ";
string newname = name;
if (name.Equals("CreateBy") || name.Equals("ModifyBy"))
newname = name + showtag;
if (column.ValidationType == 1 || column.ValidationType == 2 || column.ValidationType == 3 || column.ValidationType == 11 || column.ValidationType == 12 || column.ValidationType == 21 || column.ValidationType == 31)
InitGrid2 = InitGrid2 + "colModel.push({ sortable: true" + defaultwidth + ", name: '" + newname + "', hidden: " + modelhide + ", index: '" + name + "' });\r\n ";
InitLogGrid2 = InitLogGrid2 + "colModel.push({ sortable: false" + defaultwidth + ", name: '" + newname + "', hidden: " + modelhide + ", index: '" + name + "' });\r\n ";
string lowname = name.ToLower();
QueryFromWhereString = QueryFromWhereString + ", string " + lowname + " = null";
QueryFromWhereString = QueryFromWhereString + ", string " + lowname + showtag + " = null";
QueryFromWhereSql = QueryFromWhereSql + "fromwhere = fromwhere + ((" + lowname + " == null || " + lowname + " == \"\") ? \"\" : string.Format(\" and t." + name + " = '{0}' \", " + lowname + "));\r\n ";
QueryFromWhereSql = QueryFromWhereSql + "fromwhere = fromwhere + ((" + lowname + showtag + " == null || " + lowname + showtag + " == \"\") ? \"\" : string.Format(\" and t." + name + showtag + " like '%{0}%' \", " + lowname + showtag + "));\r\n ";
QueryFromWhereKeys = QueryFromWhereKeys + ", " + lowname;
QueryFromWhereKeys = QueryFromWhereKeys + ", " + lowname + showtag;
QueryFromWhereCondition = QueryFromWhereCondition + "string " + lowname + " = GetConditionValue(ce, \"" + name + "\");\r\n ";
QueryFromWhereCondition = QueryFromWhereCondition + "string " + lowname + showtag + " = GetConditionValue(ce, \"" + name + showtag + "\");\r\n ";
if (column.ValidationType != 31)//文件
QueryConditionScript = QueryConditionScript + "{ Name: \"" + name + "\", Fields: \"" + name + "\", Symbol: \"and\", Fuzzy: \"=\", Type: \"String\", Value: " + QueryParameters(name, KeyParameter + querytag, column) + " },\r\n ";
QueryConditionDialog = DealTableContents(isDateTime, QueryConditionDialog, length, name, KeyParameter + querytag, column, true);
InitGrid2 = InitGrid2 + "colModel.push({ sortable: true" + defaultwidth + ", name: '" + newname + "', hidden: " + modelhide + ", index: '" + name + "' });\r\n ";
InitLogGrid2 = InitLogGrid2 + "colModel.push({ sortable: false" + defaultwidth + ", name: '" + newname + "', hidden: " + modelhide + ", index: '" + name + "' });\r\n ";
if (!name.Equals("OrderBy") && !name.Equals("CreateBy") && !name.Equals("CreateTime") && !name.Equals("ModifyBy") && !name.Equals("ModifyTime") && !name.Equals("IsActive"))
SqlParametersNames = SqlParametersNames + "param" + name + ", ";
UpdateSqlParametersNames = UpdateSqlParametersNames + "param" + name + ", ";
Update__SqlParametersNames = Update__SqlParametersNames + name + " = " + "@" + name + ", ";
ImportColumns = DealImportColumns(isDateTime, isNumber, ImportColumns, name, column);
ClearInputInformation = DealClearInputInformation(ClearInputInformation, KeyParameter + name, column);
ReleaseInputInformation = DealReleaseInputInformation(ReleaseInputInformation, KeyParameter + name, column);
DyUploadControl = DealDyUploadControl(DyUploadControl, KeyParameter + name, column);
TableContents = DealTableContents(isDateTime, TableContents, length, name, KeyParameter, column, false);
FillResult = DealFillResult(FillResult, name, column);
InitGridcolNames = string.Format("{0}colNames.push(\"{1}\");\r\n ", InitGridcolNames, column.ColumnHeader);
ExcelHeader = string.Format("{0}row0.CreateCell(colIndex).SetCellValue(\"{1}\"); colIndex++;\r\n ", ExcelHeader, name);
LogSqlParametersNames = LogSqlParametersNames + "param" + name + ", ";
GetSet = GetSet + "/// <summary>\r\n /// " + column.ColumnHeader + "\r\n /// </summary>\r\n public " + ToType(column.ColumnType) + " " + name + " { get; set; }\r\n ";
Properties= Properties +"/// <summary>\r\n /// " + column.ColumnHeader + "\r\n /// </summary>\r\n private " + ToType(column.ColumnType) + " _" + name + ";\r\n public " + ToType(column.ColumnType) + " " + name + " { get{return _" + name + ";} \r\nset{\r\n_" + name + "= value;\r\nOnPropertyChanged(\"" + name + "\");}}\r\n ";
bool isvalidation = false;
if (column.ValidationType == 1 || column.ValidationType == 2 || column.ValidationType == 3 || column.ValidationType == 11 || column.ValidationType == 12 || column.ValidationType == 21 || column.ValidationType == 31)
isvalidation = true;
ShowTag = ShowTag + "public string " + name + showtag + " { get; set; }\r\n ";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(column.ValidationName))
throw new Exception(column.ValidationName + "不能为空");
if (column.ValidationPool == "SysCategoryPool")
ConvertSingleData = ConvertSingleData + "var " + name + "obj = " + column.ValidationPool
+ ".BufferPool.Where(q => q.CategoryParent == \"" + column.ValidationId + "\" && q.RecId == data." + name + @").FirstOrDefault();
if (" + name + @"obj != null)
data." + name + @showtag + " = " + name + "obj." + column.ValidationName + @";
}" + "\r\n ";
ConvertSingleData = ConvertSingleData + "var " + name + "obj = " + column.ValidationPool
+ ".GetById(data." + name + @");
if (" + name + @"obj != null)
data." + name + @showtag + " = " + name + "obj." + column.ValidationName + @";
}" + "\r\n ";
if (isDateTime)
if (!name.Equals("RecId") && !name.Equals("OrderBy") && !name.Equals("CreateBy") && !name.Equals("CreateTime") && !name.Equals("ModifyBy") && !name.Equals("ModifyTime") && !name.Equals("IsActive"))
SqlParameters = SqlParameters + "SqlParameter param" + name + " = new SqlParameter(\"@" + name + "\", SqlDbType.DateTime) { Value = send." + name + " };\r\n ";
LogSqlParameters = LogSqlParameters + "SqlParameter param" + name + " = new SqlParameter(\"@" + name + "\", SqlDbType.DateTime) { Value = data." + name + " };\r\n ";
if (!name.Equals("RecId") && !name.Equals("OrderBy") && !name.Equals("CreateBy") && !name.Equals("CreateTime") && !name.Equals("ModifyBy") && !name.Equals("ModifyTime") && !name.Equals("IsActive"))
if (isvalidation)
SqlParameters = SqlParameters + "SqlParameter param" + name + " = new SqlParameter(\"@" + name + "\", SqlDbType.VarChar) { Value = send." + name + " };\r\n ";
if (column.ValidationPool == "SysCategoryPool")
SqlParameters = SqlParameters + " var " + name + "obj = " + column.ValidationPool
+ ".BufferPool.Where(q => q.CategoryParent == \"" + column.ValidationId + "\" && q.RecId == send." + name + @").FirstOrDefault();" +
"\r\n SqlParameter param" + name + showtag + " = new SqlParameter(\"@" + name + showtag + "\", SqlDbType.VarChar);\r\n" +
@" if (" + name + @"obj != null)
param" + name + showtag + " = new SqlParameter(\"@" + name + showtag + "\", SqlDbType.VarChar) { Value = " + name + "obj." + column.ValidationName + @" };
}" + "\r\n" + @" ";
SqlParameters = SqlParameters + " var " + name + "obj = " + column.ValidationPool
+ ".GetById(send." + name + @");" +
"\r\n SqlParameter param" + name + showtag + " = new SqlParameter(\"@" + name + showtag + "\", SqlDbType.VarChar);\r\n" +
@" if (" + name + @"obj != null)
param" + name + showtag + " = new SqlParameter(\"@" + name + showtag + "\", SqlDbType.VarChar) { Value = " + name + "obj." + column.ValidationName + @" };
}" + "\r\n" + @" ";
if (name.LastIndexOf(showtag + "") == -1)
SqlParameters = SqlParameters + "SqlParameter param" + name + " = new SqlParameter(\"@" + name + "\", SqlDbType.VarChar) { Value = send." + name + " };\r\n ";
LogSqlParameters = LogSqlParameters + "SqlParameter param" + name + " = new SqlParameter(\"@" + name + "\", SqlDbType.VarChar) { Value = data." + name + " };\r\n ";
if (!name.Equals("RecId") && !name.Equals("OrderBy") && !name.Equals("CreateBy") && !name.Equals("CreateTime") && !name.Equals("ModifyBy") && !name.Equals("ModifyTime") && !name.Equals("IsActive"))
AddWithParameters = AddWithParameters + "cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(\"@" + name + "\", segment." + name + ");\r\n";
LoadResult = DealLoadResult(isDateTime, LoadResult, name, KeyParameter, column);
SaveParameters = DealSaveParameters(isNumber, SaveParameters, name, KeyParameter, column);
SaveColumnInfoBase = DealSaveColumnInfoBase(isNumber, SaveColumnInfoBase, name, KeyParameter, column);
SaveColumnInfoFull = DealSaveColumnInfoFull(isNumber, SaveColumnInfoFull, name, KeyParameter, column);
HtmlViewOpened = DealHtmlViewOpened(isNumber, HtmlViewOpened, name, KeyParameter, column);
HtmlViewShow = DealHtmlViewShow(isNumber, HtmlViewShow, name, KeyParameter, column);
UpdateSingleRow = DealUpdateSingleRow(isNumber, UpdateSingleRow, name, column);
SetValidations = DealSetValidations(SetValidations, KeyParameter + name, column, bigname, "false");
SetValidations = DealSetValidations(SetValidations, KeyParameter + querytag + name, column, bigname, "true");//SetQueryValidations
if (isDateTime || isNumber)
ExcelContent = string.Format("{0}row.CreateCell(colIndex).SetCellValue(data.{1}.ToString()); colIndex++;\r\n ", ExcelContent, name);
ExcelContent = string.Format("{0}row.CreateCell(colIndex).SetCellValue(data.{1}); colIndex++;\r\n ", ExcelContent, name);
if (column.IsRequired == 1)
RequiredInformation = RequiredInformation + "if (!MessageBoxToolTip($('#txt" + KeyParameter + name + "'), $(this), '" + column.ColumnHeader + "为必填项!')) { return false; }\r\n ";
if (isNumber)
if (column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("int"))
ToNumeral = ToNumeral + "$('#txt" + KeyParameter + name + "').numeralInt();\r\n ";
ToNumeral = ToNumeral + "$('#txt" + KeyParameter + name + "').numeral();\r\n ";
string rowfield;
string rowfieldu;
if (isDateTime)
//crate table
rowfield = string.Format("[{0}] [{1}] NULL,", columns[i].ColumnName, columns[i].ColumnType);
else if (isNumber)
if (column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("decimal"))
rowfield = string.Format("[{0}] [{1}]({2}) NULL,", columns[i].ColumnName, columns[i].ColumnType, columns[i].ColumnLength == -1 ? "10" : "10," + columns[i].ColumnLength.ToString());
rowfield = string.Format("[{0}] [{1}] NULL,", columns[i].ColumnName, columns[i].ColumnType);
//crate table
rowfield = string.Format("[{0}] [{1}]({2}) NULL,", columns[i].ColumnName, columns[i].ColumnType, columns[i].ColumnLength == -1 ? "max" : columns[i].ColumnLength.ToString());
rowfieldu = " Add " + rowfield.Substring(0, rowfield.Length - 1) + ";";
AlterColumnInfoFull = string.Format("{0}alter table {1} {2}\r\n ", AlterColumnInfoFull, tableName, rowfieldu);
AlterColumnInfoFull = string.Format("{0}alter table {1}_log {2}\r\n ", AlterColumnInfoFull, tableName, rowfieldu);
string OpenLoadSelections = "";
string opensql = string.Format("SELECT count(*) FROM sys_define_column WHERE ValidationType=11 and ValidationPool='{0}Pool'", bigname);
if (Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(opensql).Rows[0][0]) > 0)
OpenLoadSelections = "/";
//var temp = DealConfiguredImportResult(tableName, ref UpdateBuffers);
//if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp))
// ImportColumns = temp;
//deal files
string[] files = new string[] { "model.js.txt", "Entity.cs.txt", "Property.cs.txt", "model.aspx.cs.txt", "model.aspx.designer.cs.txt", "model.aspx.txt", "model.cs.txt", "modelPartial.cs.txt", "modelpool.cs.txt", "backend.cs.txt" };
if (tableName.Contains("_log"))
files = new string[] { "Entity.cs.txt" };
foreach (var file in files)
string filename = Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory).FullName.Replace("\\bin\\Debug", ""), file);
StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(filename);
string dealstring = sr.ReadToEnd();
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{ClearInputInformation}", ClearInputInformation.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{SendInputId}", SendInputId);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{LoadResult}", LoadResult.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{SaveParameters}", SaveParameters.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{SaveColumnInfoBase}", SaveColumnInfoBase.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{SaveColumnInfoFull}", SaveColumnInfoFull.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{AlterColumnInfoFull}", AlterColumnInfoFull.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{FillResult}", FillResult.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{InitGridcolNames}", InitGridcolNames);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{InitGrid1}", InitGrid1);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{InitLogGrid1}", InitLogGrid1);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{InitGrid2}", InitGrid2);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{InitLogGrid2}", InitLogGrid2);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{SetValidations}", SetValidations);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{RequiredInformation}", RequiredInformation);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{ToNumeral}", ToNumeral);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{ReleaseInputInformation}", ReleaseInputInformation.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{DyUploadControl}", DyUploadControl.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{HtmlViewOpened}", HtmlViewOpened.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{HtmlViewShow}", HtmlViewShow.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{TableContents}", TableContents.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{GetSet}", GetSet);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{Properties}", Properties);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{ShowTag}", ShowTag);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{TableName}", tableName);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{ClassName}", bigname);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{GroupName}", groupname);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{ExcelHeader}", ExcelHeader.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{ExcelContent}", ExcelContent.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{AllFields}", AllFields.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{InsertAllFields}", InsertAllFields.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{PoolFields}", PoolFields.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{All@Fields}", All__Fields.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{QueryField1}", QueryField1);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{QueryField2}", QueryField2);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{ConvertSingleData}", ConvertSingleData.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{SqlParameters}", SqlParameters.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{AddWithParameters}", AddWithParameters.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{LogSqlParameters}", LogSqlParameters.Trim());
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{SqlParametersNames}", SqlParametersNames.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{LogSqlParametersNames}", LogSqlParametersNames.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{UpdateSqlParametersNames}", UpdateSqlParametersNames.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{Update__SqlParametersNames}", Update__SqlParametersNames.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{ImportColumns}", ImportColumns.Trim().TrimEnd(','));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{OpenLoadSelections}", OpenLoadSelections);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{UpdateBuffers}", UpdateBuffers);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{UpdateSingleRow}", UpdateSingleRow);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{QueryFromWhereString}", QueryFromWhereString);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{QueryFromWhereSql}", QueryFromWhereSql);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{QueryFromWhereCondition}", QueryFromWhereCondition);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{QueryFromWhereKeys}", QueryFromWhereKeys);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{QueryConditionScript}", QueryConditionScript);
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("{QueryConditionDialog}", QueryConditionDialog.Replace("<span class=\"LimitInputItem\">*</span>", string.Empty));
dealstring = dealstring.Replace("@@X", KeyParameter);
string extion = Path.GetFileName(filename).Replace("modelpool", "").Replace("model", "").Replace(".txt", "");
string changedfilename = bigname;
if (extion.Contains(".js"))
changedfilename = tableName;
//string[] files = new string[] { "model.js.txt", "Entity.cs.txt", "model.aspx.cs.txt", "model.aspx.designer.cs.txt", "model.aspx.txt", "model.cs.txt" };
string outputfile = FilePath;
if (filename.Contains("model.cs.txt"))
outputfile = outputfile + "\\WebBusiness\\" + groupname;
else if (filename.Contains("modelPartial.cs.txt"))
//outputfile = outputfile + "\\WebBusiness\\Partial";
outputfile = outputfile + "\\WebBusiness\\" + groupname;
else if (filename.Contains("modelpool.cs.txt"))
changedfilename = changedfilename + "Pool";
outputfile = outputfile + "\\WebBusiness\\Buffer";
else if (filename.Contains("model.js.txt"))
outputfile = outputfile + "\\WebPortal\\PageScript\\" + groupname;
else if (filename.Contains("Entity.cs.txt"))
outputfile = outputfile;
else if (filename.Contains("backend.cs.txt"))
outputfile = outputfile;
extion = "DA.cs";
else if (filename.Contains("Property.cs.txt"))
outputfile = outputfile;
outputfile = outputfile + "\\WebPortal\\" + groupname;
if (!Directory.Exists(outputfile))
outputfile = outputfile + @"\" + changedfilename + extion;
if (File.Exists(outputfile))
FileStream fs = new FileStream(outputfile, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write);
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8);
//dealstring = dealstring.Replace("//{0}", ClearInputInformation.Trim());
private void CreateTable(string tableName)
SqlHelper.connectionString = this._connStr;
TextInfo tInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo;
string bigname = tInfo.ToTitleCase(tableName).Replace("_", "");
string groupname = tInfo.ToTitleCase(tableName.Split('_')[0]);
if (groupname.Equals("Sys"))
groupname = "System";
string tsql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM " + _tableTestName + " WHERE TableName='{0}' ", tableName);
DataTable dtt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(tsql);
SysDefineTableEntity table = SqlHelper.DataRow0ToEntity<SysDefineTableEntity>(dtt) as SysDefineTableEntity;
string menuname = table.MenuName;
tableName = table.TableName;
string recid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
string menuurl = "./../" + groupname + "/" + bigname + ".aspx?Title=" + groupname + "-" + menuname;
string menuscript = "./../PageScript/" + groupname + "/" + tableName + ".js";
//for get length
string SQL = string.Format("SELECT * FROM " + _tableTestColumnName + " WHERE TableName='{0}' order by ColumnIndex asc", tableName);
DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(SQL);
List<SysDefineColumnEntity> columns = SqlHelper.DataTableToIList<SysDefineColumnEntity>(dt) as List<SysDefineColumnEntity>;
string name;
string length = string.Empty;
//update table
StringBuilder sbu = new StringBuilder();
sbu.Append(" IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[" + tableName + "]') AND type in (N'U')) ");
sbu.Append(" begin ");
StringBuilder sblogu = new StringBuilder();
sblogu.Append(" IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[" + tableName + "_log]') AND type in (N'U')) ");
sblogu.Append(" begin ");
//crate table
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
//sb.Append(" IF Not EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[" + tableName + "]') AND type in (N'U')) ");
//sb.Append(" DROP TABLE [dbo].[" + tableName + "] ");
//sb.Append(" begin ");
//sb.Append(" insert into sys_menu (RecId,MenuName,MenuIcon,MenuUrl,MenuParentId,MenuScripts,IsActive) values ('" + recid + "','" + menuname + "','./../Stylesheet/images/Icon/sys2.gif','" + menuurl + "',999,'" + menuscript + "',100) ");
sb.Append(" CREATE TABLE [" + tableName.ToLower() + "]( ");
sb.Append(" [RecId] [varchar](36) NOT NULL, ");
StringBuilder sblog = new StringBuilder();
//sblog.Append(" IF Not EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[" + tableName + "_log]') AND type in (N'U')) ");
//sblog.Append(" DROP TABLE [dbo].[" + tableName + "_log] ");
//sblog.Append(" begin ");
sblog.Append(" CREATE TABLE [" + tableName.ToLower() + "_log]( ");
sblog.Append("[LogId] [varchar](36) NOT NULL,");
sblog.Append("[RecId] [varchar](36) NULL,");
for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
SysDefineColumnEntity column = columns[i];
string rowfield;
string rowfieldu;
name = column.ColumnName;
bool isDateTime = (column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("date") || column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("time"));
bool isNumber = (column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("int") || column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("byte") || column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("decimal"));
length = column.ColumnLength.ToString();
if (isDateTime)
//crate table
rowfield = string.Format("[{0}] [{1}] NULL,", columns[i].ColumnName, columns[i].ColumnType);
else if (isNumber)
if (column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("decimal"))
rowfield = string.Format("[{0}] [{1}]({2}) NULL,", columns[i].ColumnName, columns[i].ColumnType, columns[i].ColumnLength == -1 ? "10" : "10," + columns[i].ColumnLength.ToString());
rowfield = string.Format("[{0}] [{1}] NULL,", columns[i].ColumnName, columns[i].ColumnType);
//crate table
rowfield = string.Format("[{0}] [{1}]({2}) NULL,", columns[i].ColumnName, columns[i].ColumnType, columns[i].ColumnLength == -1 ? "max" : columns[i].ColumnLength.ToString());
rowfieldu = " Add " + rowfield.Substring(0, rowfield.Length - 1) + ";";
sbu.Append(" IF Not EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE Name = N'" + columns[i].ColumnName + "' AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'" + tableName + "')) ");
sbu.Append(" BEGIN ");
sbu.Append(" alter table " + tableName + " ");
sbu.Append(" END ");
sblogu.Append(" IF Not EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE Name = N'" + columns[i].ColumnName + "' AND Object_ID = Object_ID(N'" + tableName + "_log')) ");
sblogu.Append(" BEGIN ");
sblogu.Append(" alter table " + tableName + "_log ");
sblogu.Append(" END ");*/
//crate table
sb.Append("[OrderBy] [int] NULL,");
sb.Append("[CreateBy] [varchar](36) NULL,");
sb.Append("[CreateTime] [datetime] NULL,");
sb.Append("[ModifyBy] [varchar](36) NULL,");
sb.Append("[ModifyTime] [datetime] NULL,");
sb.Append("[IsActive] [tinyint] NULL,");
sb.Append(" PRIMARY KEY (RecId)) ");
sblog.Append("[OrderBy] [int] NULL,");
sblog.Append("[CreateBy] [varchar](36) NULL,");
sblog.Append("[CreateTime] [datetime] NULL,");
sblog.Append("[ModifyBy] [varchar](36) NULL,");
sblog.Append("[ModifyTime] [datetime] NULL,");
sblog.Append("[IsActive] [tinyint] NULL,");
sblog.Append("[OperTime] [datetime] NULL,");
sblog.Append("[OperUser] [varchar](36) NULL,");
sblog.Append("[OperType] [varchar](36) NULL,");
sblog.Append("[OperInfo] [nvarchar](50) NULL,");
sblog.Append(" PRIMARY KEY (RecId)) ");
catch { }
private string DealClearInputInformation(string copy, string key, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
if (column.IsShowInEdit != 1)
return copy;
if (column.ValidationType == 1 || column.ValidationType == 2)
return copy + "if ($('#txt" + key + "').get(0) != null) { $('#txt" + key + "').get(0).selectedIndex = 0; }\r\n ";
else if (column.ValidationType == 11 || column.ValidationType == 12)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{1}').comboselect('clearValue');\r\n ", copy, key);
else if (column.ValidationType == 21)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{1}').combotree('clearValue');\r\n ", copy, key);
else if (column.ValidationType == 31)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{1}').val('');\r\n $('#txt{1}" + showtag + "').val('');\r\n ", copy, key);
else if (column.ValidationType == 55)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{1}').fileselect('clearValue');\r\n ", copy, key);
else if (column.ValidationType == 56)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{1}').commentselect('clearValue');\r\n ", copy, key);
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{1}').val('');\r\n ", copy, key);
private string DealReleaseInputInformation(string copy, string key, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{1}').remove();\r\n $('#txt{1}') = null;\r\n ", copy, key);
private string DealDyUploadControl(string copy, string key, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
if (column.ValidationType == 31)
return copy + "new AjaxUpload('div" + key + "', {action: CurrentDefaultUploadSite + '?currentDiskStoreageType=' + (DiskStoreageType == null ? \"\" : DiskStoreageType) + '&rt=' + currentClassType@@X + \"¤tAllocation=\" + currentAllocation + \"¤tUserId=\" + currentUserId + \"¤tSessionId=\" + currentSessionId + \"¤tStoreId=\" + currentStoreId,onComplete: function (file, response) {this.enable();if (response.indexOf('失败') > -1) {MessageBox(response);return false;}var outEntity = JSON.parse(response);if (outEntity.ErrorCode == DataSucceedTag) {var files = JSON.parse(outEntity.ReturnObj);$(\"#txt" + key + showtag + "\").val(file);$(\"#txt" + key + "\").val(files[0].RecId);}else {MessageBox(outEntity.ErrorMessage);}},onSubmit: function (file, ext) {this.disable();},onError: function (e) {MessageBox(e.toString());}});\r\n";
return copy;
private string DealLoadResult(bool isDateTime, string copy, string key, string KeyParameter, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
if (column.IsShowInEdit != 1)
return copy;
if (isDateTime)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{2}{1}').val(FormatDateToDateTime(data.{1}));\r\n ", copy, key, KeyParameter);
if (column.ValidationType == 11)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{2}{1}').comboselect('setSingleValue', data.{1});\r\n ", copy, key, KeyParameter);
else if (column.ValidationType == 12)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{2}{1}').comboselect('setValue', data.{1}.split(','));\r\n ", copy, key, KeyParameter);
else if (column.ValidationType == 21)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{2}{1}').combotree('setSingleValue', data.{1});\r\n ", copy, key, KeyParameter);
else if (column.ValidationType == 31)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{2}{1}').val(data.{1});\r\n $('#txt{2}{1}" + showtag + "').val(data.{1}" + showtag + ");\r\n ", copy, key, KeyParameter);
else if (column.ValidationType == 55)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{2}{1}').fileselect('setValue', data.{1}.split(','));\r\n ", copy, key, KeyParameter);
else if (column.ValidationType == 56)
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{2}{1}').commentselect('setValue', data.{1}.split(','));\r\n ", copy, key, KeyParameter);
if (column.ColumnLength == -1 && (string.Equals(column.ColumnType, "varchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(column.ColumnType, "nvarchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{2}{1}').htmlarea('html', DecodeFrom(data.{1}));\r\n ", copy, key, KeyParameter);
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{2}{1}').val(data.{1});\r\n ", copy, key, KeyParameter);
private string DealSaveParameters(bool isNumber, string SaveParameters, string name, string KeyParameter, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
if (column.IsShowInEdit != 1)
return SaveParameters;
if (isNumber)
return string.Format("{0}{{\"ColumnName\" : \"{1}\",\"DefaultValue\" : Number($.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').val())),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\"}},\r\n ", SaveParameters, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType);
if (column.ValidationType == 1)
return string.Format("{0}{{\"ColumnName\":\"{1}\", \"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').val()), \"DataType\" : \"{3}\",\"IsValidation\" : \"true\",\"ValidationTable\" : \"{4}\"}},\r\n ", SaveParameters, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ValidationType == 11)
return string.Format("{0}{{\"ColumnName\" : \"{1}\",\"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').comboselect('getSingleValue')),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\",\"IsValidation\" : \"true\",\"ValidationTable\" : \"{4}\"}},\r\n //{{\"ColumnName\" :\"{1}" + showtag + "\",\"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').comboselect('getSingleValue')),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\"}},\r\n ", SaveParameters, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
else if (column.ValidationType == 12)
return string.Format("{0}{{\"ColumnName\" : \"{1}\",\"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').comboselect('getValue')),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\",\"IsValidation\" : \"true\",\"ValidationTable\" : \"{4}\"}},\r\n //{{\"ColumnName\" :\"{1}" + showtag + "\",\"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').comboselect('getValue')),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\"}},\r\n ", SaveParameters, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ValidationType == 21)
return string.Format("{0}{{\"ColumnName\" : \"{1}\",\"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').combotree('getSingleValue')),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\",\"IsValidation\" : \"true\",\"ValidationTable\" : \"{4}\"}},\r\n //{{\"ColumnName\" :\"{1}" + showtag + "\",\"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').combotree('getSingleText')),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\"}},\r\n ", SaveParameters, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ValidationType == 31)
return string.Format("{0}{{\"ColumnName\" : \"{1}\",\"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').val()),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\"}},\r\n ", SaveParameters, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType);
if (column.ValidationType == 55)
return string.Format("{0}{{\"ColumnName\" : \"{1}\",\"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').fileselect('getValue')),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\",\"IsValidation\" : \"true\",\"ValidationTable\" : \"{4}\"}},\r\n //{{\"ColumnName\" :\"{1}" + showtag + "\",\"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').fileselect('getValue')),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\"}},\r\n ", SaveParameters, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ValidationType == 56)
return string.Format("{0}{{\"ColumnName\":\"{1}\",\"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').commentselect('getValue')),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\",\"IsValidation\" : \"true\",\"ValidationTable\" : \"{4}\"}},\r\n //{{\"ColumnName\" :\"{1}" + showtag + "\",\"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').commentselect('getValue')),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\"}},\r\n ", SaveParameters, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ColumnLength == -1 && (string.Equals(column.ColumnType, "varchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(column.ColumnType, "nvarchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
return string.Format("{0}{{\"ColumnName\":\"{1}\",\"DefaultValue\" : EncodeTo($.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').val())),\"DataType\" : \"{3}\"}},\r\n ", SaveParameters, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType);
return string.Format("{0}{{\"ColumnName\":\"{1}\", \"DefaultValue\" : $.trim($('#txt{2}{1}').val()), \"DataType\" : \"{3}\"}},\r\n ", SaveParameters, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType);
private string DealSaveColumnInfoBase(bool isNumber, string SaveColumnInfoBase, string name, string KeyParameter, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
if (column.IsShowInEdit != 1)
return SaveColumnInfoBase;
if (isNumber)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\", DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(columnIndex)), DataType = \"{3}\"}}); columnIndex++;\r\n ", SaveColumnInfoBase, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType);
if (column.ValidationType == 1)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\", DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(columnIndex)), DataType = \"{3}\",IsValidation = true,ValidationTable = \"{4}\"}}); columnIndex++;\r\n ", SaveColumnInfoBase, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ValidationType == 11)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(columnIndex)), DataType = \"{3}\",IsValidation = true,ValidationTable = \"{4}\"}}); columnIndex++;\r\n ", SaveColumnInfoBase, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
else if (column.ValidationType == 12)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(columnIndex)), DataType = \"{3}\",IsValidation = true,ValidationTable = \"{4}\"}}); columnIndex++;\r\n ", SaveColumnInfoBase, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ValidationType == 21)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(columnIndex)), DataType = \"{3}\",IsValidation = true,ValidationTable = \"{4}\"}}); columnIndex++;\r\n ", SaveColumnInfoBase, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ValidationType == 31)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(columnIndex)), DataType = \"{3}\"}}); columnIndex++;\r\n ", SaveColumnInfoBase, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType);
if (column.ValidationType == 55)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(columnIndex)), DataType = \"{3}\",IsValidation = true,ValidationTable = \"{4}\"}}); columnIndex++;\r\n ", SaveColumnInfoBase, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ValidationType == 56)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(columnIndex)), DataType = \"{3}\",IsValidation = true,ValidationTable = \"{4}\"}}); columnIndex++;\r\n ", SaveColumnInfoBase, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ColumnLength == -1 && (string.Equals(column.ColumnType, "varchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(column.ColumnType, "nvarchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(columnIndex)), DataType = \"{3}\"}}); columnIndex++;\r\n ", SaveColumnInfoBase, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType);
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\", DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(row.GetCell(columnIndex)), DataType = \"{3}\"}}); columnIndex++;\r\n ", SaveColumnInfoBase, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType);
private string DealSaveColumnInfoFull(bool isNumber, string SaveColumnInfoFull, string name, string KeyParameter, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
if (column.IsShowInEdit != 1)
return SaveColumnInfoFull;
if (isNumber)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\", DefaultValue = entity.{1}, DataType = \"{3}\"}}); \r\n ", SaveColumnInfoFull, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType);
if (column.ValidationType == 1)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\", DefaultValue = entity.{1}, DataType = \"{3}\",IsValidation = true,ValidationTable = \"{4}\"}}); \r\n ", SaveColumnInfoFull, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ValidationType == 11)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = entity.{1}, DataType = \"{3}\",IsValidation = true,ValidationTable = \"{4}\"}}); \r\n ", SaveColumnInfoFull, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
else if (column.ValidationType == 12)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = entity.{1}, DataType = \"{3}\",IsValidation = true,ValidationTable = \"{4}\"}}); \r\n ", SaveColumnInfoFull, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ValidationType == 21)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = entity.{1}, DataType = \"{3}\",IsValidation = true,ValidationTable = \"{4}\"}}); \r\n ", SaveColumnInfoFull, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ValidationType == 31)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = entity.{1}, DataType = \"{3}\"}}); \r\n ", SaveColumnInfoFull, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType);
if (column.ValidationType == 55)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = entity.{1}, DataType = \"{3}\",IsValidation = true,ValidationTable = \"{4}\"}}); \r\n ", SaveColumnInfoFull, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ValidationType == 56)
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = entity.{1}, DataType = \"{3}\",IsValidation = true,ValidationTable = \"{4}\"}}); \r\n ", SaveColumnInfoFull, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType, column.ValidationPool);
if (column.ColumnLength == -1 && (string.Equals(column.ColumnType, "varchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(column.ColumnType, "nvarchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\",DefaultValue = entity.{1}, DataType = \"{3}\"}}); \r\n ", SaveColumnInfoFull, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType);
return string.Format("{0}table.FullColumnInfo.Add(new ColumnInfo() {{ ColumnName = \"{1}\", DefaultValue = entity.{1}, DataType = \"{3}\"}}); \r\n ", SaveColumnInfoFull, name, KeyParameter, column.ColumnType);
private string DealHtmlViewOpened(bool isNumber, string HtmlViewOpened, string name, string KeyParameter, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
if (column.ColumnLength == -1 && (string.Equals(column.ColumnType, "varchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(column.ColumnType, "nvarchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{2}{1}').htmlarea({{css: './../Stylesheet/share.css' }}); $('#txt{2}{1}').htmlarea('updateHtmlArea');\r\n ", HtmlViewOpened, name, KeyParameter);
return HtmlViewOpened;
private string DealHtmlViewShow(bool isNumber, string HtmlViewShow, string name, string KeyParameter, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
if (column.ColumnLength == -1 && (string.Equals(column.ColumnType, "varchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(column.ColumnType, "nvarchar", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
return string.Format("{0}$('#txt{2}{1}', d.data[0]).jHtmlArea();\r\n ", HtmlViewShow, name, KeyParameter);
return HtmlViewShow;
private string QueryParameters(string name, string KeyParameter, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
if (column.ValidationType == 11)
return string.Format("$.trim($('#txt{0}{1}').comboselect('getSingleValue'))", KeyParameter, name);
else if (column.ValidationType == 12)
return string.Format("$.trim($('#txt{0}{1}').comboselect('getValue'))", KeyParameter, name);
if (column.ValidationType == 21)
return string.Format("$.trim($('#txt{0}{1}').combotree('getSingleValue'))", KeyParameter, name);
if (column.ValidationType == 31)
return string.Format("$.trim($('#txt{0}{1}').val())", KeyParameter, name);
if (column.ValidationType == 55)
return string.Format("$.trim($('#txt{0}{1}').fileselect('getValue'))", KeyParameter, name);
if (column.ValidationType == 56)
return string.Format("$.trim($('#txt{0}{1}').commentselect('getValue'))", KeyParameter, name);
return string.Format("$.trim($('#txt{0}{1}').val())", KeyParameter, name);
private string DealUpdateSingleRow(bool isNumber, string SaveParameters, string name, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
if (column.ValidationType == 1 || column.ValidationType == 2 || column.ValidationType == 3 || column.ValidationType == 11 || column.ValidationType == 12 || column.ValidationType == 21 || column.ValidationType == 31)
return string.Format("{0}\"{1}\": data.{1},\r\n \"{1}" + showtag + "\": data.{1}" + showtag + ",\r\n ", SaveParameters, name);
return string.Format("{0}\"{1}\": data.{1},\r\n ", SaveParameters, name);
private string DealSetValidations(string SetValidations, string name, SysDefineColumnEntity column, string className, string filled)
if (column.ValidationType == 1)
return SetValidations + "LoadValidationByKey('#txt" + name + "', 'WebBusiness." + column.ValidationPool + "', '', "+ filled + ");\r\n ";
if (column.ValidationType == 2)
return SetValidations + "LoadCategoryByType('#txt" + name + "', '" + column.ValidationId + "', " + filled + ");\r\n ";
if (column.ValidationType == 11)
return SetValidations + "$('#txt" + name + "').comboselect({'height': 300,currentAllocation: currentAllocation,currentUserId: currentUserId,currentSessionId: currentSessionId,currentStoreId: currentStoreId,assemblyName: 'WebBusiness',classType: 'WebBusiness." + column.ValidationPool + "',methodName: 'LoadSelections',multiselect: false,singleTextMethodName: 'LoadSelectionText', selectType: '" + column.ValidationId + "'});\r\n ";
else if (column.ValidationType == 12)
return SetValidations + "$('#txt" + name + "').comboselect({'height': 300,currentAllocation: currentAllocation,currentUserId: currentUserId,currentSessionId: currentSessionId,currentStoreId: currentStoreId,assemblyName: 'WebBusiness',classType: 'WebBusiness." + column.ValidationPool + "',methodName: 'LoadSelections',multiselect: true,singleTextMethodName: 'LoadSelectionText', selectType: '" + column.ValidationId + "'});\r\n ";
if (column.ValidationType == 21)
return SetValidations + "$('#txt" + name + "').combotree({'height': 300,currentAllocation: currentAllocation,currentUserId: currentUserId,currentSessionId: currentSessionId,currentStoreId: currentStoreId,assemblyName: 'WebBusiness',classType: 'WebBusiness." + column.ValidationPool + "',methodName: 'Load" + column.ValidationPool.Replace("Pool", "") + "Tree',multiselect: false});\r\n ";
if (column.ValidationType == 31)
if (column.ValidationType == 55)
return SetValidations + "$('#txt" + name + "').fileselect({'height': 300,currentDefaultUploadSite: CurrentDefaultUploadFullSite,currentAllocation: currentAllocation,currentUserId: currentUserId,currentSessionId: currentSessionId,currentStoreId: currentStoreId,assemblyName: 'WebBusiness',classType: 'WebBusiness." + column.ValidationPool + "',methodName: 'LoadSelections',multiselect: true,singleTextMethodName: 'LoadSelectionText', selectType: '" + column.ValidationId + "'});\r\n ";
if (column.ValidationType == 56)
return SetValidations + "$('#txt" + name + "').commentselect({'height': 300,currentAllocation: currentAllocation,currentUserId: currentUserId,currentSessionId: currentSessionId,currentStoreId: currentStoreId,assemblyName: 'WebBusiness',classType: 'WebBusiness." + column.ValidationPool + "',methodName: 'LoadSelections',multiselect: true,singleTextMethodName: 'LoadSelectionText', selectType: '" + column.ValidationId + "'});\r\n ";
return SetValidations;
private string DealImportColumns(bool isDateTime, bool isNumber, string ImportColumns, string name, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
if (name.Equals("RecId") || name.Equals("OrderBy") || name.Equals("CreateBy") || name.Equals("CreateTime") || name.Equals("ModifyBy") || name.Equals("ModifyTime") || name.Equals("IsActive"))
return ImportColumns;
if (isDateTime)
return string.Format("{0}entity.{1} = TypeHelper.ToDateTime(row.GetCell(0).ToString());\r\n ", ImportColumns, name);
if (isNumber)
return string.Format("{0}entity.{1} = Convert.ToInt32(row.GetCell(0).ToString());\r\n ", ImportColumns, name);
return string.Format("{0}entity.{1} = row.GetCell(0).ToString();\r\n ", ImportColumns, name);
private string DealTableContents(bool isDateTime, string TableContents, string length, string name, string KeyParameter, SysDefineColumnEntity column, bool isQuery)
if (name.Equals("RecId"))
return TableContents;
if (column.IsShowInEdit != 1)
return TableContents;
string required = string.Empty;
if (column.IsRequired == 1)
required = "<span class=\"LimitInputItem\">*</span>";
if (column.IsMulitiline == 1)
string arealength = length;
if (length == "-1")
arealength = "2000";
return string.Format("{0}<tr><td class=\"search_text\" style=\"width: 25%\">{1}:</td><td><textarea rows=\"30\" cols=\"\" maxlength=\"{2}\" id=\"txt{3}{4}\" ></textarea></td><td style=\"width: 10%\">{5} </td></tr>\r\n ", TableContents, column.ColumnHeader, arealength, KeyParameter, name, required);
catch { }
if (isDateTime)
return string.Format("{0}<tr><td class=\"search_text\" style=\"width: 25%\">{1}:</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"txt{2}{3}\" class=\"datepickerDate\" /></td><td style=\"width: 10%\">{4} </td></tr>\r\n ", TableContents, column.ColumnHeader, KeyParameter, name, required);
if (column.ValidationType == 1 || column.ValidationType == 2)
return string.Format("{0}<tr><td class=\"search_text\" style=\"width: 25%\">{1}:</td><td><select id=\"txt{2}{3}\"></select></td><td style=\"width: 10%\">{4} </td></tr>\r\n ", TableContents, column.ColumnHeader, KeyParameter, name, required);
if (column.ValidationType == 11 || column.ValidationType == 12)
return string.Format("{0}<tr><td class=\"search_text\" style=\"width: 25%\">{1}:</td><td><div id=\"txt{2}{3}\" class=\"comboselect\"></div></td><td style=\"width: 10%\">{4} </td></tr>\r\n ", TableContents, column.ColumnHeader, KeyParameter, name, required);
if (column.ValidationType == 21)
return string.Format("{0}<tr><td class=\"search_text\" style=\"width: 25%\">{1}:</td><td><div id=\"txt{2}{3}\" class=\"combotree\"></div></td><td style=\"width: 10%\">{4} </td></tr>\r\n ", TableContents, column.ColumnHeader, KeyParameter, name, required);
if (column.ValidationType == 31 && isQuery)
return TableContents;
if (column.ValidationType == 31 && !isQuery)
return string.Format("{0}<tr><td class=\"search_text\" style=\"width: 25%\">{1}:</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"txt{2}{3}" + showtag + "\" maxlength=\"{4}\" readonly=\"readonly\" /><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"txt{2}{3}\" /></td><td style=\"width: 10%\">{5}<div id=\"div{2}{3}\" class=\"edit-button\" title=\"选择附件\"></div></td></tr>\r\n ", TableContents, column.ColumnHeader, KeyParameter, name, length, required);
if (column.ValidationType == 55)
return string.Format("{0}<tr><td class=\"search_text\" style=\"width: 25%\">{1}:</td><td><div id=\"txt{2}{3}\" class=\"fileselect\"></div></td><td style=\"width: 10%\">{4} </td></tr>\r\n ", TableContents, column.ColumnHeader, KeyParameter, name, required);
if (column.ValidationType == 56)
return string.Format("{0}<tr><td class=\"search_text\" style=\"width: 25%\">{1}:</td><td><div id=\"txt{2}{3}\" class=\"commentselect\"></div></td><td style=\"width: 10%\">{4} </td></tr>\r\n ", TableContents, column.ColumnHeader, KeyParameter, name, required);
if (length == "-1")
return string.Format("{0}<tr><td class=\"search_text\" style=\"width: 25%\">{1}:</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"txt{2}{3}\" /></td><td style=\"width: 10%\">{4} </td></tr>\r\n ", TableContents, column.ColumnHeader, KeyParameter, name, required);
bool isNumber = (column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("int") || column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("byte") || column.ColumnType.ToLower().Contains("decimal"));
if (isNumber)
return string.Format("{0}<tr><td class=\"search_text\" style=\"width: 25%\">{1}:</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"txt{2}{3}\" maxlength=\"{4}\" /></td><td style=\"width: 10%\">{5} </td></tr>\r\n ", TableContents, column.ColumnHeader, KeyParameter, name, 13, required);
return string.Format("{0}<tr><td class=\"search_text\" style=\"width: 25%\">{1}:</td><td><input type=\"text\" id=\"txt{2}{3}\" maxlength=\"{4}\" /></td><td style=\"width: 10%\">{5} </td></tr>\r\n ", TableContents, column.ColumnHeader, KeyParameter, name, length, required);
private string DealConfiguredImportResult(string tableName, ref string updatePoolStatus)
updatePoolStatus = "";
var sql = string.Format("select * from sys_define_import where TableName='{0}'", tableName);
var dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql);
if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
return "";
var strPool = new StringBuilder();
var strRst = new StringBuilder();
foreach (DataRow item in dt.Rows)
var type = Int32.Parse(item["ValidationType"].ToString());
var colName = item["ColumnName"].ToString();
var colIndex = Int32.Parse(item["ColIndex"].ToString()) - 1;
var colPool = item["ValidationPool"].ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(colPool))
strPool.AppendFormat("{0}.InitializeResults();\r\n ", colPool);
var saveFun = item["SaveValidataion"].ToString();
var validationColName = item["ValidationColName"].ToString();
switch (type)
case 0://字符串,不需验证
strRst.Append(string.Format("entity.{0} = DealCellValue(row,{1});\r\n ", colName, colIndex));
case 1://整形
strRst.Append(string.Format("entity.{0} = Convert.ToInt32(DealCellValue(row,{1}));\r\n ",
colName, colIndex));
case 2://Decimal
strRst.Append(string.Format("entity.{0} = Convert.ToDecimal(DealCellValue(row,{1}));\r\n ",
colName, colIndex));
case 3://Datetime
strRst.Append(string.Format("entity.{0} = TypeHelper.ToDateTime(DealCellValue(row,{1}));\r\n ",
colName, colIndex));
case 11://Pool验证,如果不存在,需要新增
strRst.AppendFormat("tempRec = DealCellValue(row, {0});\r\n ", colIndex);
strRst.AppendFormat("var rec{0} = {1}.BufferPool.FirstOrDefault(t => t.{0} == tempRec);\r\n ", validationColName, colPool, colIndex);
strRst.Append("targetId = \"\";\r\n ");
strRst.AppendFormat("if (rec{0} != null) \r\n ", validationColName);
strRst.Append("{ \r\n ");
strRst.AppendFormat("targetId = rec{0}.RecId;\r\n ", validationColName);
strRst.Append("} \r\n ");
strRst.Append("else \r\n {\r\n ");
strRst.AppendFormat("rec{0} = new {1}Entity();\r\n ", validationColName, saveFun);
strRst.AppendFormat("rec{0}.{0} = tempRec;\r\n ", validationColName);
strRst.AppendFormat("targetId = {1}.SaveResultByCode(connection, currentStoreId, rec{0});\r\n ", validationColName, saveFun);
strRst.Append("} \r\n ");
strRst.Append(string.Format("entity.{0} = targetId;\r\n ", colName));
case 12://验证,如果不存在则返回错误
strRst.AppendFormat("tempRec = DealCellValue(row, {0});\r\n ", colIndex);
strRst.AppendFormat("var rec{0} = {1}.BufferPool.FirstOrDefault(t => t.{0} == tempRec);\r\n ", validationColName, colPool, colIndex);
strRst.Append("targetId = \"\";\r\n ");
strRst.AppendFormat("if (rec{0} != null) \r\n ", validationColName);
strRst.AppendFormat("targetId = rec{0}.RecId;\r\n ", validationColName);
strRst.Append("else \r\n ");
strRst.AppendFormat("throw new Exception(\"{0}不存在\"+ tempRec);\r\n ", colName);
strRst.Append(string.Format("entity.{0} = targetId;\r\n ", colName));
updatePoolStatus = strPool.ToString();
return strRst.ToString();
private string DealFillResult(string FillResult, string name, SysDefineColumnEntity column)
if (column.ValidationType == 1 || column.ValidationType == 2 || column.ValidationType == 3 || column.ValidationType == 11 || column.ValidationType == 12 || column.ValidationType == 21 || column.ValidationType == 31)
return string.Format("{0}{1}: item.{1},\r\n {1}" + showtag + ": item.{1}" + showtag + ",\r\n ", FillResult, name);
return string.Format("{0}{1}: item.{1},\r\n ", FillResult, name);
private string baseString(string inStr)
string[] str = inStr.Split('_');
string s = "";
inStr = "";
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
if (str[i].Length > 0)
s = str[i].Substring(0, 1);
if (i == 0)
inStr += s.ToLower() + str[i].Substring(1);
inStr += s.ToUpper() + str[i].Substring(1);
return inStr;
public void CreateClassFile(bool isCreateTable)
if (isCreateTable)
private static DataSet DataReaderToDataSet(IDataReader reader)
DataTable table = new DataTable();
int fieldCount = reader.FieldCount;
for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
table.Columns.Add(reader.GetName(i), reader.GetFieldType(i));
object[] values = new object[fieldCount];
while (reader.Read())
table.LoadDataRow(values, true);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
return ds;
private static SqlDbType ToSqlDbType(Type type)
SqlParameter p1 = new SqlParameter();
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter tc;
tc = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(p1.DbType);
if (tc.CanConvertFrom(type))
p1.DbType = (DbType)tc.ConvertFrom(type.Name);
p1.DbType = (DbType)tc.ConvertFrom(type.Name);
return p1.SqlDbType;
private static string ToType(string typecode)
typecode = typecode.ToLower();
if (typecode.Contains("char"))
return "string";
if (typecode.Equals("bigint"))
return "Int64?";
if (typecode.Contains("date") || typecode.Contains("time"))
return "DateTime?";
if (typecode.Contains("bit") || typecode.Contains("byte"))
return "byte?";
if (typecode.Contains("int"))
return "int?";
if (typecode.Contains("decimal"))
return "decimal?";
return "string";
} |