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using Service.Execute.Tech;
using Swapping.Business.Tech;
namespace Service.Execute.Enum;
public class InfoEnum
public enum SwapInfo : ushort
[Info("Rfid读写失败", "Rfid读写失败")] ErrorReadRfid = 1,
[Info("车辆进站", "车辆进站")] InfoCarIn = 2,
[Info("Tbox连接失败", "Tbox连接失败请联系站务人员")] ErrorTBoxConn = 4,
[Info("云端校验失败", "云端校验失败,请联系站务人员")] ErrorCloudCheck = 5,
[Info("车辆已到位", "车辆已到位")] InfoCarInPosition = 6,
[Info("车辆到位超时", "车辆到位超时")] ErrorCarInPositionTimeout = 7,
[Info("云平台下发换电失败", "云平台下发换电超时")] CloudSendSwapError = 8,
[Info("自由度调整挂N挡拉手刹", "自由度调整挂N挡拉手刹")]
InfoCarPrepare = 9,
[Info("自由度调整超时", "自由度调整超时")] ErrorCarPrepareTimeout = 10,
[Info("请选择更换电池数量", "请选择更换电池数量")] InfoSelectPack = 11,
[Info("选包失败,请驶离", "选包失败,请驶离")] ErrorSelectPack = 12,
[Info("下高压失败,请联系站务人员", "下高压失败,请联系站务人员")]
ErrorHvPwrOff = 13,
[Info("下低压失败,请联系站务人员", "下低压失败,请联系站务人员")]
ErrorLvPwrOff = 14,
[Info("电池拆卸中,请稍后", "电池拆卸中,请稍后")] InfoUnPack = 15,
[Info("电池安装中,请稍后", "电池安装中,请稍后")] InfoPack = 16,
[Info("电池包已安装完成", "电池包已安装完成")] InfoPackFinish = 17,
[Info("车辆自检中,请稍后", "车辆自检中,请稍后")] InfoSelfCheck = 18,
[Info("自检失败,请联系站务人员", "自检失败,请联系站务人员")] ErrorSelfCheck = 19,
[Info("换电已完成,请驶离", "换电已完成,请驶离")] InfoCarLeave = 20,
public enum SelectBinStatusInfo : byte
[Remark("通道的电池仓无换电电池")] NoBattery,
[Remark("可以换电")] Success,
[Remark("结束充电电池数量不足")] LessOfFinishCharging,
[Remark("空仓不够放")] LessOfEmptyBin,
[Remark("符合soc限制数量不足")] LessOfSoc,
[Remark("结束充电大于3分钟的数量不足")] LessOf3Minute,
[Remark("各种差数量不足")] LessOfMean,
[Remark("未被预约数量不足")] LessOfUnAmt,
[Remark("预约电池异常")] AmtError,
[Remark("电池捆绑选包失败")] GroupError,
[Remark("无可用捆绑")] NoGroupError
public enum AmtOrderStatus : byte
[Remark("预约成功")] Success = 1,
[Remark("预约取消")] Cancel = 2,
[Remark("预约失败")] Fail = 3,
[Remark("换电完成")] SwapFinish = 4,
[Remark("换电失败")] SwapFail = 5,
[Remark("换电中")] Swapping = 6,
[Remark("预约失败")] Expire = 7,
public enum BusinessSwappingState : byte
[Remark("未知")] UnKnown,
[Remark("空闲")] Idle,
[Remark("RFID扫描完成")] ScanRfid,
[Remark("云平台验证完成")] CloudCheck,
[Remark("车辆到位")] CarInPosition,
[Remark("车辆准备完成N档、手刹")] CarPrepare,
[Remark("云平台启动换电完成")] CloudBeginSwap,
[Remark("车辆调整完成(下高压、下低压)")] CarAdjust,
[Remark("开始换电")] BeginSwap,
[Remark("拆卸亏电包")] UnPack,
[Remark("安装满电包")] Pack,
[Remark("包安装完成")] PackFinish,
[Remark("车辆自检")] CarSelfCheck,
[Remark("换电完成(车辆驶离)")] SwapDone
public enum AmtBatLockStatus : byte
UnLock = 0,
Lock = 1
public enum SwapOrderResult : byte
Success = 0,
Fail = 1