You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

207 lines
6.5 KiB

5 months ago
using DotNetty.Buffers;
using DotNetty.Codecs;
using DotNetty.Transport.Channels;
using HybirdFrameworkCore.Utils;
using HybirdFrameworkDriver.Session;
using log4net;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Service.Charger.Client;
using Service.Charger.Msg;
using Service.Charger.Msg.Charger.Req;
using Service.Charger.Msg.Charger.Resp;
namespace Service.Charger.Codec;
/// <summary>
/// 解码器
/// </summary>
public class Decoder : ByteToMessageDecoder
private readonly IByteBuffer[] _delimiters = { Unpooled.CopiedBuffer(PlcConst.StartChar) };
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="chargerSn"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private ILog Log(string? chargerSn)
if (ObjUtils.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace(chargerSn))
4 months ago
//return LogManager.GetLogger("Plc" + chargerSn);
return LogManager.GetLogger("Plc");
5 months ago
return LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Decoder));
#region MyRegion
protected override void Decode(IChannelHandlerContext context, IByteBuffer buffer, List<object> output)
string? chargerSn = ChannelUtils.GetAttr(context.Channel, PlcConst.ChargerSn);
IByteBuffer? delimiter = FindDelimiter(buffer);
if (delimiter != null)
int delimiterIndex = IndexOf(buffer, delimiter);
int frameLengthIndex = delimiterIndex + delimiter.Capacity;
if (delimiterIndex > 0)
if (buffer.ReadableBytes < frameLengthIndex + 2)
// 数据不足,等待更多数据
// 读取长度字段
int frameLength = buffer.GetUnsignedShortLE(buffer.ReaderIndex + frameLengthIndex);
int totalFrameLength = delimiterIndex + delimiter.Capacity + 2 + frameLength;
// int totalFrameLength = delimiterIndex + frameLength;
// 最小总帧长过滤
if (totalFrameLength < 21)
if (buffer.ReadableBytes < totalFrameLength)
// 数据不足,等待更多数据
byte[]? data = null;
ASDU asdu = Parse(buffer, totalFrameLength, delimiter, out data);
Log(chargerSn).Info($"receive {BitUtls.BytesToHexStr(data)}:{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(asdu)} from {chargerSn}");
catch (Exception e)
Log(chargerSn).Error($"decode fail msg={BitUtls.BytesToHexStr(data)}");
private IByteBuffer? FindDelimiter(IByteBuffer buffer)
foreach (IByteBuffer delimiter in _delimiters)
int delimiterIndex = IndexOf(buffer, delimiter);
if (delimiterIndex >= 0)
return delimiter;
return null;
private static int IndexOf(IByteBuffer haystack, IByteBuffer needle)
for (int i = haystack.ReaderIndex; i < haystack.WriterIndex; i++)
int num = i;
int j;
for (j = 0; j < needle.Capacity && haystack.GetByte(num) == needle.GetByte(j); j++)
if (num == haystack.WriterIndex && j != needle.Capacity - 1)
return -1;
if (j == needle.Capacity)
return i - haystack.ReaderIndex;
return -1;
public ASDU Parse(IByteBuffer byteBuffer, int totalFrameLength, IByteBuffer delimiter, out byte[] data)
data = new byte[totalFrameLength];
int removeIndex = delimiter.Capacity;
ushort cmd = data[14 + removeIndex];
byte[] bytes = new byte[data.Length - (23 + removeIndex)];
Array.Copy(data, 23 + removeIndex, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
ASDU baseMsg = cmd switch
93 => ModelConvert.Decode<StartBatterySwapResq>(bytes),
82 => ModelConvert.Decode<WarehousCompleteReq>(bytes),
76 => ModelConvert.Decode<BatteryStatusReportedReq>(bytes),
106 => ModelConvert.Decode<VehicleModelResq>(bytes),
200 => ModelConvert.Decode<SummaryFailuresReq>(bytes),
83 => ModelConvert.Decode<MigrationCompleteReq>(bytes),
78 => ModelConvert.Decode<PrepareBatteryCompleteReq>(bytes),
77 => ModelConvert.Decode<RemoteSignalReq>(bytes),
95 => ModelConvert.Decode<InboundCommandsResq>(bytes),
92 => ModelConvert.Decode<FaultResetResq>(bytes),
87 => ModelConvert.Decode<PauseCommandResq>(bytes),
84 => ModelConvert.Decode<OutboundCompleteReq>(bytes),
107 => ModelConvert.Decode<BatteryShelfNumberReq>(bytes),
89 => ModelConvert.Decode<InitializeCommandResq>(bytes),
96 => ModelConvert.Decode<OutboundCommandResq>(bytes),
116 => ModelConvert.Decode<StartMovElectricityResq>(bytes),
80 => ModelConvert.Decode<SwapBatteryFinishReq>(bytes),
101 => ModelConvert.Decode<TerminationOrderResq>(bytes),
111 => ModelConvert.Decode<ElectricalConnectorsReq>(bytes),
99 => ModelConvert.Decode<PrepareBatteryOnResq>(bytes),
100 => ModelConvert.Decode<ParameterSettingsResq>(bytes),
113 => ModelConvert.Decode<BatteryPackDisassembledReq>(bytes),
88 => ModelConvert.Decode<ContinueCommandResq>(bytes),
117 => ModelConvert.Decode<PowerTransferCompletedReq>(bytes),
94 => ModelConvert.Decode<MoveCommandResq>(bytes),
_ => new ASDU()
ASDU.ParseHeader(data, baseMsg);
return baseMsg;