using Common.Const;
using Entity.DbModel.Station;
using Entity.DbModel.System;
using HybirdFrameworkCore.Autofac.Attribute;
using HybirdFrameworkCore.AutoTask;
using HybirdFrameworkCore.Entity;
using HybirdFrameworkCore.Utils;
using log4net;
using Repository.Station;
using Service.Charger.Client;
using Service.Init;
namespace Service.Charger.MyTask;
public class AutoChargeTask : ITask
private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(AutoChargeTask));
private volatile bool _stop;
public ElecPriceModelVersionRepository elecPriceModelVersionRepository { get; set; }
public ElecPriceModelVersionDetailRepository elecPriceModelVersionDetailRepository { get; set; }
public BatteryOpModelRepository batteryOpModelRepository { get; set; }
public BatteryOpModelDetailRepository batteryOpModelDetailRepository { get; set; }
public BinInfoRepository binInfoRepository { get; set; }
public EquipInfoRepository EquipInfoRepository { get; set; }
public string Name()
return "AutoChargeTask";
public int Interval()
return 1000 * 10;
public void Handle()
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
List<BinInfo> allBinInfos = binInfoRepository.Query();
if (allBinInfos.Count < 0)
Log.Info("lack of binInfos");
List<EquipInfo> chargerList =
EquipInfoRepository.QueryListByClause(it => it.TypeCode == (int)EquipmentType.Charger);
HashSet<string> autoChargeSet =
chargerList.Where(it => it.AutoCharge == 1).Select(it => it.Code).ToHashSet();
var binInfos = allBinInfos.Where(it => autoChargeSet.Contains(it.ChargerNo)).ToList();
if (ObjUtils.IsEmpty(binInfos))
Log.Info("there is no auto charger");
#region 电价模型
int ceid = StaticStationInfo.Ceid;
ElecPriceModelVersion elecPriceModelVersion =
elecPriceModelVersionRepository.QueryByClause(i => i.Version == ceid);
if (elecPriceModelVersion == null)
Log.Info("lack of effective elecPriceModelVersion");
List<ElecPriceModelVersionDetail> elecPriceModelVersionDetails =
elecPriceModelVersionDetailRepository.QueryListByClause(it =>
it.Version == elecPriceModelVersion.Version);
/*ElecPriceModelVersionDetail? elecPriceModelVersionDetail = elecPriceModelVersionDetails.Where(i =>
i.StartHour <= now.Hour && i.StartMinute <= now.Minute
&& i.EndHour > now.Hour &&
i.EndMinute > now.Minute).FirstOrDefault();*/
ElecPriceModelVersionDetail? elecPriceModelVersionDetail = null;
foreach (var VARIABLE in elecPriceModelVersionDetails)
// 构造开始和结束的DateTime对象,使用当前日期的年月日
DateTime startTime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, VARIABLE.StartHour,
VARIABLE.StartMinute, 0);
DateTime endTime = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, VARIABLE.EndHour, VARIABLE.EndMinute, 0);
if (DateTime.Now >= startTime && DateTime.Now <= endTime)
elecPriceModelVersionDetail = VARIABLE;
if (elecPriceModelVersionDetail == null)
Log.Info("lack of effective elecPriceModelVersionDetail");
#region 运营模型
int oid = int.Parse(StaticStationInfo.Oid);
BatteryOpModel batteryOpModel = batteryOpModelRepository.QueryByClause(d => d.ModelId == oid);
if (batteryOpModel == null)
Log.Info("lack of effective batteryOpModel");
List<BatteryOpModelDetail> batteryOpModelDetails =
batteryOpModelDetailRepository.QueryListByClause(d => d.ModelId == oid);
List<BatteryOpModelDetail> opModelDetails = new List<BatteryOpModelDetail>();
/*List<BatteryOpModelDetail> opModelDetails = batteryOpModelDetails.Where(t =>
List<int> start = t.StartTime.Split(":").Select(int.Parse).ToList();
List<int> end = t.EndTime.Split(":").Select(int.Parse).ToList();
return now.Hour >= start[0] && now.Hour < end[0] && now.Minute >= start[1] && now.Minute < end[1] &&
now.Second >= start[2] && now.Second < end[2];
foreach (var t in batteryOpModelDetails)
if (DateTime.Now >= DateTime.Parse(t.StartTime) &&
DateTime.Now <= DateTime.Parse(t.EndTime))
if (opModelDetails.Count == 0)
Log.Info("lack of effective batteryOpModelDetails");
int needBatteryCount = opModelDetails[0].BatteryCount ?? 8;
List<BinInfo> canSwapList = allBinInfos.Where(it =>
it.Soc != null && Convert.ToSingle(it.Soc) >= StaticStationInfo.SwapSoc && it.CanSwapFlag == 1)
/*if (canSwapList.Count == needBatteryCount)
Log.Info($"lack of needBatteryCount {needBatteryCount}");
List<BinInfo> chargingList = binInfos.Where(it => it.ChargeStatus == 1).ToList();
if (canSwapList.Count >= needBatteryCount)
int needStopCount = chargingList.Count - (canSwapList.Count - needBatteryCount);
//if (needStopCount > 0)
chargingList.Sort((a, b) => (a.Soc ?? 0).CompareTo(b.Soc ?? 0));
for (int i = 0; i < chargingList.Count; i++)
Log.Info($"auto stop charge {chargingList[i].No}");
List<BinInfo> canChargeList = binInfos.Where(it =>
it.Soc != null && Convert.ToSingle(it.Soc) < StaticStationInfo.ChargeSoc &&
it.CanChargeFlag == 1&&it.Exists==1)
canChargeList.Sort((a, b) => (b.Soc ?? 0).CompareTo(a.Soc ?? 0));
byte chargeSoc = StaticStationInfo.ChargeSoc;
int count = needBatteryCount - canSwapList.Count;
int number = 0;
foreach (var binInfo in canChargeList)
float? chargePower = EquipInfoRepository.QueryPowerByCode(binInfo.Code);
float? power = chargePower == null ? StaticStationInfo.ChargePower : chargePower;
Result<bool>? result = ClientMgr.GetBySn(binInfo.ChargerNo)
?.StartCharge(chargeSoc, (float)power);
if (result is { IsSuccess: true })
Log.Info($"auto start charge {binInfo.ChargerNo}");
if (count == number)
Log.Info($"auto start charge count {count}");
#region 达到充电SOC自动停
foreach (var VARIABLE in chargingList)
if (VARIABLE.Soc >= StaticStationInfo.ChargeSoc)
Log.Info($"auto stop charge {VARIABLE.No} soc>=chaegeSoc");
catch (Exception e)
Log.Error("handle with error", e);
public bool Stoped()
return _stop;
public void Stop()
_stop = true;
public void ResetStop()
_stop = false;
} |