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using DotNetty.Transport.Channels;
using HybirdFrameworkCore.Autofac.Attribute;
using log4net;
using Repository.Station;
using Service.Charger.Client;
using Service.Charger.Msg.Charger.Req;
using Service.Charger.Msg.Host.Resp;
namespace Service.Charger.Handler
/// <summary>
/// 3.3.11 充放电机上送充电停止帧
/// <code>
/// 1保存日志到log
/// 2监控平台应答停止完成帧
/// </code>
/// </summary>
public class FinishStopChargingHandler : SimpleChannelInboundHandler<FinishStopCharging>, IBaseHandler
public BinInfoRepository BinInfoRepository { get; set; }
private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(FinishStopChargingHandler));
protected override void ChannelRead0(IChannelHandlerContext ctx, FinishStopCharging msg)
if (ClientMgr.TryGetClient(ctx.Channel, out var sn, out var client))
Log.Info($"receive {msg} from {sn}");
client.IsCanSendStopCmd = false;
int chargeStatus = 0;
if (msg.Result == 0)
client.IsStopped = true;
chargeStatus = 4;
client.IsStopped = false;
int update = BinInfoRepository.Update(t => t.ChargeStatus == chargeStatus, t => t.No == client.BinNo);
Log.Info($"update {update} start charge finish status {chargeStatus} for {client.BinNo}");
ChargingStopFsdRes stopFsdRes = new ChargingStopFsdRes(0);