You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

247 lines
6.0 KiB

<!-- 首页,支持店铺装修 -->
<view class="content">
<!-- <s-layout title="首页" navbar="custom" tabbar="/pages/index/index" :bgStyle=""
:navbarStyle="" onShareAppMessage>
</s-layout> -->
<map :latitude="latitude" :longitude="longitude" class="map_control"
:style="{'width': windowWidth + 'px', 'height': windowHeight + 'px'}" :polyline="polyline"
:enable-rotate="true" id="map_control" :markers="covers" ref="map_control">
<uni-nav-bar left-icon="left" title="行程轨迹" right-icon="paperplane" backgroundColor="#e6eafa"
@clickLeft="handlegoback" />
<!-- -->
<!-- <button @click="handle_map">点击</button> -->
<view class="pop_bottom" :style="{'width': windowWidth + 'px'}" v-if="pop_botmms">
<view class="pop_1" :style="{'width': windowWidth + 'px'}">
<tripinfo :trip_data="trip_data"></tripinfo>
<!-- <s-tabbar path="/pages/home/components/mapnvue" /> -->
<script setup>
import tripinfo from '@/pages/subpackages/components/tripinfo.vue'
import headerTopsTips from '@/pages/components/header_tops_tips.vue'
import coordtransform from 'coordtransform';
// import orderApi from '@/sheep/api/home/order';
import {
} from '@/sheep/config';
import {
} from 'vue'
import {
} from '@dcloudio/uni-app';
// 缩小显示范围
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
// 平移动画
// setTimeout(() => {
// handle_map_translateMarker()
// }, 2000)
const instance = getCurrentInstance()
const createMapContext = ref(null)
const map_control = ref(null)
const latitude = ref(0)
const longitude = ref(0)
const trip_data = ref({
actualPay: 0,
vehicleId: 0,
endTime: null
const covers = ref([{
id: 2,
callout: { //自定义标记点上方的气泡窗口 点击有效
content: '结束位置', //文本
color: '#ffffff', //文字颜色
fontSize: 12, //文本大小
borderRadius: 15, //边框圆角
borderWidth: '5',
bgColor: '#e51860', //背景颜色
display: 'ALWAYS', //常显
latitude: 0,
longitude: 0,
id: 1,
// label: '起始位置',
callout: { //自定义标记点上方的气泡窗口 点击有效
content: '起始位置', //文本
color: '#ffffff', //文字颜色
fontSize: 12, //文本大小
borderRadius: 15, //边框圆角
borderWidth: '5',
bgColor: '#e51860', //背景颜色
display: 'ALWAYS', //常显
latitude: 0,
longitude: 0,
const info = uni.getSystemInfoSync()
const statusHeight = info.statusBarHeight
const windowWidth = info.windowWidth
const windowHeight = info.windowHeight
const active_mode = ref(4)
const pop_botmms = ref(true)
const polyline = ref([{
points: [],
color: '#00aa00',
width: 8
function handlegoback() {
function handle_map_translateMarker() {
markerId: 1,
destination: {
latitude: covers.value[1].latitude,
longitude: covers.value[1].longitude
duration: 10000,
success: (response) => {
console.log(response, '成功')
fail: (error) => {
console.log(error, 'error')
complete: (complete) => {
console.log(complete, 'complete')
function handle_map() {
points: polyline.value[0].points,
success: (response) => {
console.log(response, '成功')
fail: (error) => {
console.log(error, 'error')
complete: (complete) => {
console.log(complete, 'complete')
function handle_data(option) {
let data = JSON.parse(option.arrays)
let arrays = []
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
let coms = coordtransform.wgs84togcj02(data[i].longitude, data[i].latitude)
let str = {
latitude: coms[1],
longitude: coms[0]
// console.log(option,'arrays')
trip_data.value.actualPay = option.actualPay
trip_data.value.vehicleId = option.vehicleId
trip_data.value.endTime = option.endTime
trip_data.value.ridingTime = option.ridingTime
if (arrays.length > 0) {
polyline.value[0].points = arrays
covers.value[0].latitude = arrays[0].latitude
covers.value[0].longitude = arrays[0].longitude
covers.value[1].latitude = arrays[arrays.length - 1].latitude
covers.value[1].longitude = arrays[arrays.length - 1].longitude
latitude.value = arrays[(arrays.length / 2) - 1].latitude
longitude.value = arrays[(arrays.length / 2) - 1].longitude
onLoad((option) => {
// console.log(instance.ctx,'instance')
// uni.createMapContext('map_control', map_control).includePoints({
// // markerId: 1,
// // destination: {
// // latitude: covers.value[1].latitude,
// // longitude: covers.value[1].longitude
// // },
// // duration: 20000,
// points: polyline.value[0].points,
// success: (response) => {
// console.log(response, '成功')
// },
// fail: (error) => {
// console.log(error, 'error')
// }
// })
onReady(() => {
createMapContext.value = uni.createMapContext('map_control', instance)
onMounted(() => {
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