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492 lines
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492 lines
13 KiB
<view class="content">
<view class="title_tops">
<view class="status_title">
<view style="font-weight: 600" v-if="detail.list.orderStatus == 0">
<view style="font-weight: 600" v-if="detail.list.orderStatus == 1">
<view style="font-weight: 600" v-if="detail.list.orderStatus == 2">
<view style="font-weight: 600" v-if="detail.list.orderStatus == 3">
<view style="font-weight: 600" v-if="detail.list.orderStatus == 4">
<view style="font-weight: 600" v-if="detail.list.orderStatus == 5">
<view style="font-weight: 600" v-if="detail.list.orderStatus == 6">
<view style="font-weight: 600" v-if="detail.list.orderStatus == 7">
<view style="font-weight: 600" v-if="detail.list.orderStatus == 8">
<view style="font-weight: 600" v-if="detail.list.orderStatus == 9">
<view style="margin-top: 10rpx;">充电开始时间: {{detail.list.startTime==null?'--':detail.list.startTime}}
<view class="line_center">
<view class="white_box">
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap padding-sm">
<view class="name">{{detail.list.stationName==null?'--':detail.list.stationName}}</view>
<view class="flex padding-lr-sm justify-between flex-wrap list-view">
<view class="staName">场站编码 </view>
<view class="staNum">{{detail.list.stationNo==null?'--':detail.list.stationNo}}</view>
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap list-view">
<view class="staName">充电订单号 </view>
<view class="staNum">{{detail.list.chargeOrder==null?'--':detail.list.chargeOrder}}</view>
<view class="flex justify-between list-view">
<view class="staName">车牌号 </view>
<view class="staNum">{{detail.list.vehicleNo==null?'--':detail.list.vehicleNo}}</view>
<view class="flex padding-lr-sm justify-between list-view">
<view class="staName">车辆vin</view>
<view class="staNum">{{'--'}}</view>
<view class="flex padding-lr-sm justify-between list-view">
<view class="staName">充电结束时间</view>
<view class="staNum">{{detail.list.endTime==null?'--':detail.list.endTime}}</view>
<view class="flex padding-lr-sm justify-between list-view">
<view class="staName">充电时长</view>
<view class="staNum">{{detail.list.chargingTime==null?'--':detail.list.chargingTime}} 分钟</view>
<!-- -->
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap padding-sm">
<view class="name" style="font-size: 35rpx">费用信息</view>
<view class="flex padding-sm justify-between flex-wrap">
<view class="titleName">费用合计</view>
<view class="money text-price">{{detail.list.totalFee==null?'0':detail.list.totalFee / 100}}元
<view class="right_pay_mean">
<text>{{detail.list.elecTotalExpense==null?'0':detail.list.elecTotalExpense / 100}}元</text>
<text>{{detail.list.cloudTotalFee==null?'0':detail.list.cloudTotalFee / 100}}元</text>
<text>{{detail.list.batTotalFee==null?'0':detail.list.batTotalFee / 100}}元</text>
<text>{{detail.list.chargeTotalFee==null?'0':detail.list.chargeTotalFee / 100}}元</text>
<view class="line_bottom">
<view style="padding: 0 20rpx; box-sizing:border-box">
<view v-for="(item,index) in detail.list.orderTimeList">
<view class="power_title">
<text>{{item.startTime}} - {{item.endTime}} 充电
{{ item.electric == null? 0: item.electric }}
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap " style="margin: 10rpx 0;">
<view class="staName" style="display: flex; align-items: center">电 费(
{{item.electricityPrice == null? 0: item.electricityPrice / 100}}元 / 度 )
<view class="staNum">
¥{{ item.electricityExpense == null? 0: item.electricityExpense / 100 }}
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap " style="margin: 10rpx 0;">
<view class="staName" style="display: flex; align-items: center">服务费(
{{item.servicePrice == null? 0: item.servicePrice / 100}}元/度 )
<view class="staNum">
¥{{item.serviceExpense == null? 0: item.serviceExpense / 100 }}</view>
<!-- <view class="power_title">
<text>尖时段充电 {{ handle_power(detail.list.theTipElectric,detail.list.theTipElectricAcMeter) }} 度</text>
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap " style="margin: 10rpx 0;">
<view class="staName">电费</view>
<view class="staNum">{{ handle_electricity(detail.list.theTipExpense,detail.list.theTipExpenseAcMeter) }}元</view>
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap " style="margin: 10rpx 0;">
<view class="staName">单价</view>
<view class="staNum">{{detail.list.theTipPrice == null? 0: detail.list.theTipPrice / 100}}元</view>
</view> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <view class="power_title">
<text>峰时段充电 {{ handle_power(detail.list.peakElectric,detail.list.peakElectricAcMeter) }} 度</text>
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap " style="margin: 10rpx 0;">
<view class="staName">电费</view>
<view class="staNum">{{ handle_electricity(detail.list.peakExpense,detail.list.peakExpenseAcMeter) }}元</view>
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap " style="margin: 10rpx 0;">
<view class="staName">单价</view>
<view class="staNum">{{detail.list.peakPrice == null? 0: detail.list.peakPrice / 100}}元</view>
</view> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <view class="power_title">
<text>平时段充电 {{ handle_power(detail.list.flatElectric,detail.list.flatElectricAcMeter) }} 度</text>
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap " style="margin: 10rpx 0;">
<view class="staName">电费</view>
<view class="staNum">{{ handle_electricity(detail.list.flatExpense,detail.list.flatExpenseAcMeter) }}元</view>
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap " style="margin: 10rpx 0;">
<view class="staName">单价</view>
<view class="staNum">{{detail.list.flatPrice == null? 0: detail.list.flatPrice / 100}}元</view>
</view> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <view class="power_title">
<text>谷时段充电 {{ handle_power(detail.list.theValleyElectric,detail.list.theValleyElectricAcMeter) }} 度</text>
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap " style="margin: 10rpx 0;">
<view class="staName">电费</view>
<view class="staNum">{{ handle_electricity(detail.list.theValleyExpense,detail.list.theValleyExpenseAcMeter) }}元</view>
<view class="flex justify-between flex-wrap " style="margin: 10rpx 0;">
<view class="staName">单价</view>
<view class="staNum">{{detail.list.theValleyPrice == null? 0: detail.list.theValleyPrice / 100}}元</view>
</view> -->
<view class="btn_pay" v-if="detail.list.orderStatus == 4">
<button style="font-size: 14px;" type="primary" @click="handle_pay">去支付</button>
<!-- <view class="btn_pay" v-if="detail.list.payStatus == 2">
<button style="font-size: 14px;" type="primary" @click="pay_handle_refund">申请退款</button>
</view> -->
<view class="btn_pay" v-if="detail.list.invoiceFlag == null || detail.list.invoiceFlag == 0">
<button style="font-size: 14px;" type="primary" @click="pay_handle_invoice">申请开票</button>
<script setup>
import config from '@/common/config/config.js';
import sheep from '@/sheep';
import {
} from "vue";
import {
} from "@dcloudio/uni-app";
import {
} from '@/stores/counter.js';
const detail = reactive({
list: []
const timer = ref(null)
const isorderStatus = ref(false)
onLoad((options) => {
var station = JSON.parse(options.details);
detail.list = station
onShow(() => {})
onUnload(() => {
const charging_data = ref({})
const istipsonly = ref(0)
const handle_pay = async () => {
await uni.request({ //刷新token
url: config.baseUrl + "app-api/cloud/outCharge/createPayOrder/" +,
method: 'GET',
header: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + uni.getStorageSync('token'),
'tenant-id': 1
}).then(res => {
console.log(res, '支付信息')
if ( == 0) {
} else {
title: '提示',
showCancel: false,
success: function(res) {
const pay_handle_refund = async () => {
await uni.$request({ //刷新token
url: config.baseUrl + "app-api/cloud/refund-order/create",
method: 'POST',
data: {
orderNo: detail.list.orderNo,
refundPrice: detail.list.totalFee / 100,
type: 1
}).then(res => {
if ( == 0) {
title: '申请成功',
duration: 2000,
icon: 'success'
const pay_handle_invoice = () => {
sheep.$router.go('/pagesCenter/billingPage/addInvoice/addInvoice', {
orderType: 2,
const handle_pay_money = async (e) => {
sheep.$router.go('/pagesCenter/pay/index', {
id: e.payOrderId,
orderType: 'recharge',
const handle_electricity = (one, two) => {
let ones = one == null ? 0 : one / 100
let twos = two == null ? 0 : two / 100
return ones + twos
const handle_power = (one, two) => {
let ones = one == null ? 0 : one
let twos = two == null ? 0 : two
return ones + twos
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