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629 lines
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629 lines
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3 months ago
<view style="background: #F9FDFF;">
<view class="main-inf">
<view class="swiperBox">
<u-swiper class="swiper" :height="210" :list="swiperData" :display-multiple-items="0"
autoplay :circular="true" indicator indicatorMode="line" imgMode="scaleToFill"></u-swiper>
<view class="station-no">NO.{{detaild_mean ? ''}}</view>
<view class="station-box flex justify-between" style="position: relative;">
<view class="title margin-eight flex align-center">
<view class="flex">
<view class="details-status">{{handle_status()}}</view>
<view>{{detaild_mean? detaild_mean.stationName:'--'}}</view>
<view class="posi_btn_add" v-if="is_version == '车队版' ">
<button type="primary" class="btn_item" @click="handle_goaddform">新增预约单</button>
<view class="text-sm address">
<text>营业时间: {{detaild_mean? (detaild_mean.startTime + '-' + detaild_mean.endTime) :'--'}}</text>
<view class="station-box bat-soc-box">
<view class="flex">
<view class="bat-change">可换电池</view>
<view class="bat-pic">{{swapBatTotal}}</view>
<view class="flex soc-box">
<view class="bat-soc">
<view class="bat-nine">{{hcBatTotal}}<text class="bat-unit">块</text></view>
<view class="bat-capacity">90%以上</view>
<view class="bat-soc">
<view class="bat-eight">{{mcBatTotal}}<text class="bat-unit">块</text></view>
<view class="bat-capacity">80-90%</view>
<view class="bat-soc">
<view class="bat-zero">{{lcBatTotal}}<text class="bat-unit">块</text></view>
<view class="bat-capacity">0-80%</view>
<view class="station-box bat-soc-box">
<view class="flex">
<view class="bat-change">可充充电枪</view>
<view class="bat-pic">{{swapBatTotal_charg}}</view>
<!-- -->
<view style="margin-top: 20rpx">
<text class="title-name">换电收费标准:</text>
<view class="station-box bat-soc-box" v-if="detaild_mean">
<view class="color-font text-df margin-eight">
<view class="view_content" style="margin-left: unset;">计费公式</view>
<view class="view_content" style="margin-left: 20rpx;">{{detaild_mean.calculationFormula}}</view>
<view class="station-box bat-soc-box" v-if="detaild_mean">
<view class="color-font text-df margin-eight" v-for="(item,index) in detaild_mean.billList"
<view class="view_content" style="margin-left: unset;">计费规则: {{}}</view>
<view class="view_content" style="margin-left: 20rpx;">{{item.startTime}} - {{item.endTime}}
<view class="view_content">换电服务单价: - {{item.price / 100}} (元/度)</view>
<view class="view_content">电池服务费: - {{item.batFee / 100}} (元)</view>
<view class="view_content">平台服务费: - {{item.platformFee / 100}} (元)</view>
<view style="margin-top: 20rpx">
<text class="title-name">充电收费标准:</text>
<view class="station-box bat-soc-box" v-if="detaild_mean">
<view class="color-font text-df margin-eight" v-for="(item,index) in detaild_mean.outChargebillList"
<view class="view_content" style="margin-left: unset;">计费规则: {{}}</view>
<view class="view_content" style="margin-left: 20rpx;">{{item.startTime}} - {{item.endTime}}
<view class="view_content">充电服务单价: - {{item.price / 100}} (元/度)</view>
<view class="view_content">电池服务费: - {{item.batFee / 100}} (元)</view>
<view class="view_content">平台服务费: - {{item.platformFee / 100}} (元)</view>
<!-- <view class="goMap">2345</view> -->
<view class="appointment">
<view class="flex align-center">
<view class="flex appoint-inf appoint-style" @click.stop="phone(detaild_mean.serviceTel)">
<image class="appoint-image" src="../../../static/home/phone.svg"></image>
<view class="flex appoint-inf"
<image class="appoint-image" src="../../../static/home/planeImage.svg"></image>
<script setup>
import config from '@/common/config/config.js';
// console.log('========公用baseURL', config);
import {
} from "vue";
import {
} from "@dcloudio/uni-app";
const swiperData = ref([])
const stationNo = ref()
const distance = ref()
const detailInf = reactive({
showInf: []
const detaild_mean = ref()
const distanceNum = ref()
const price = ref()
const batFee = ref()
const platformFee = ref()
const workTime = ref()
const swapBatTotal = ref(0)
const swapBatTotal_charg = ref(0)
const hcBatTotal = ref(0)
const mcBatTotal = ref(0)
const lcBatTotal = ref(0)
const hcBatTotal_charg = ref(0)
const mcBatTotal_charg = ref(0)
const lcBatTotal_charg = ref(0)
const coverImg = ref()
const stationName = ref()
const stationLocation = ref()
const stationNum = ref()
const contactWay = ref()
const show = ref(false)
const valueDate = ref(false)
const minute = ref([])
const pickDay = ref()
const orderShow = ref(false)
const operationStatus = ref()
const pickerRef = ref(null)
const hoursList = ref(['00点', '01点', '02点', '03点', '04点', '05点', '06点', '07点', '08点', '09点', '10点', '11点', '12点',
'13点', '14点', '15点', '16点', '17点', '18点', '19点', '20点', '21点', '22点', '23点'
const appointmentValue = ref(0)
const cancelShow = ref(false)
const appointmentId = ref()
let appointmentFlagValue = ref('true')
// 计算选中预约的时间
const dayPick = ref()
const currentTime = ref()
const pickHours = ref()
const pickMinutes = ref()
const pickFutuerHours = ref()
const orderTime = ref()
const dateArray = ref([])
const dateArrList = ref([])
const settleType = ref()
// 预约初始值
const pickTimeValue = ref()
const pickHoursInitial = ref()
const pickMInuteInitial = ref()
// to 后端
let startToTime = ref()
let endToTime = ref()
const is_version = ref('个人版')
onLoad((options) => {
is_version.value = uni.getStorageSync("version")
onShow(() => {
const handle_goaddform = () => {
url: `/pages/order/appointorder/addform/addform?stationNo=${detaild_mean.value.stationNo}&swapBattertList=${JSON.stringify(detaild_mean.value.swapBattertList)}&stationName=${detaild_mean.value.stationName}`
const handle_status = () => {
if (detaild_mean.value) {
switch (detaild_mean.value.status) {
case 1:
return '营业中';
case 2:
return '暂停营业';
case 3:
return '维护中';
case 4:
return '歇业中';
} else {
return '暂停营业'
const handle_detail = async (options) => {
// console.log(options, '==========options');
let distance = uni.getStorageSync("location")
var station = JSON.parse(options.station);
distanceNum.value = options.distance
stationNo.value = station
distance.value = station.distance
appointmentId.value = options.appointmentId
if (options.appointmentFlag) {
appointmentFlagValue.value = options.appointmentFlag
// console.log(appointmentFlagValue.value, '==========appointmentFlagValue.value');
await uni.$request({
url: config.baseUrl + 'app-api/cloud/op/nearbyStationInfo/' + options.searchID
}).then(res => {
// detailInf.showInf =
detaild_mean.value =
swiperData.value =
// console.log(res, '===res===');
let swapBatTotal_1 = 0
let hcBatTotal_1 = 0
let mcBatTotal_1 = 0
let lcBatTotal_1 = 0
for (var i = 0; i < detaild_mean.value.swapBattertList.length; i++) {
let str = detaild_mean.value.swapBattertList[i]
if (str.canSwapFlag == 1) {
if (str.soc > 0 && str.soc <= 80) {
if (str.soc > 80 && str.soc <= 90) {
if (str.soc > 90) {
// console.log(swapBatTotal, 'swapBatTotal');
// console.log(hcBatTotal, 'hcBatTotal');
swapBatTotal.value = swapBatTotal_1
hcBatTotal.value = hcBatTotal_1
mcBatTotal.value = mcBatTotal_1
lcBatTotal.value = lcBatTotal_1
const handle_dates_charg = () => {
let array = detaild_mean.value.chargeList
for(let item of array) {
for(let item_son of item.chargeGunRespVOS) {
if(item_son.chargeState == 0 || item_son.chargeState == 2) {
const phone = (val) => {
// console.log(val, '=============');
if (val == null) {
phoneNumber: val //仅为示例
const goMap = (longitude, latitude, name, address) => {
latitude: Number(latitude),
longitude: Number(longitude),
name: name, //企业名称
address: address, //详细地址
success: function() {
fail: (err) => {
console.log(err, 'err');
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