You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

144 lines
4.0 KiB

<!-- z-paging -->
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<!-- 反馈QQ群790460711 -->
<!-- 滑动切换选项卡swiper-item此组件支持easycom规范可以在项目中直接引用 -->
<view class="zp-swiper-item-container">
<z-paging ref="paging" :fixed="false"
:auto="false" :useVirtualList="useVirtualList" :useInnerList="useInnerList" :cellKeyName="cellKeyName" :innerListStyle="innerListStyle"
:preloadPage="preloadPage" :cellHeightMode="cellHeightMode" :virtualScrollFps="virtualScrollFps" :virtualListCol="virtualListCol"
@query="_queryList" @listChange="_updateList">
<slot />
<template #header>
<slot name="header"/>
<template #cell="{item,index}">
<slot name="cell" :item="item" :index="index"/>
<template #footer>
<slot name="footer"/>
import zPaging from '../z-paging/z-paging'
export default {
name: "z-paging-swiper-item",
components: { zPaging },
data() {
return {
firstLoaded: false
props: {
// 当前组件的index也就是当前组件是swiper中的第几个
tabIndex: {
type: Number,
default: function() {
return 0
// 当前swiper切换到第几个index
currentIndex: {
type: Number,
default: function() {
return 0
// 是否使用虚拟列表,默认为否
useVirtualList: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 是否在z-paging内部循环渲染列表(内置列表)默认为否。若use-virtual-list为true则此项恒为true
useInnerList: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 内置列表cell的key名称仅nvue有效在nvue中开启use-inner-list时必须填此项
cellKeyName: {
type: String,
default: ''
// innerList样式
innerListStyle: {
type: Object,
default: function() {
return {};
// 预加载的列表可视范围(列表高度)页数默认为12即预加载当前页及上下各12页的cell。此数值越大则虚拟列表中加载的dom越多内存消耗越大(会维持在一个稳定值),但增加预加载页面数量可缓解快速滚动短暂白屏问题
preloadPage: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 12
// 虚拟列表cell高度模式默认为fixed也就是每个cell高度完全相同将以第一个cell高度为准进行计算。可选值【dynamic】即代表高度是动态非固定的【dynamic】性能低于【fixed】。
cellHeightMode: {
type: String,
default: 'fixed'
// 虚拟列表列数默认为1。常用于每行有多列的情况例如每行有2列数据需要将此值设置为2
virtualListCol: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 1
// 虚拟列表scroll取样帧率默认为60过高可能出现卡顿等问题
virtualScrollFps: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 60
watch: {
currentIndex: {
handler(newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal === this.tabIndex) {
// 懒加载当滑动到当前的item时才去加载
if (!this.firstLoaded) {
let delay = 5;
// #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO
delay = 100;
// #endif
setTimeout(() => {
this.$refs.paging.reload().catch(() => {});
}, delay);
immediate: true
methods: {
reload(data) {
return this.$refs.paging.reload(data);
complete(data) {
this.firstLoaded = true;
return this.$refs.paging.complete(data);
_queryList(pageNo, pageSize, from) {
this.$emit('query', pageNo, pageSize, from);
_updateList(list) {
this.$emit('updateList', list);
<style scoped>
.zp-swiper-item-container {
/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
height: 100%;
/* #endif */
/* #ifdef APP-NVUE */
flex: 1;
/* #endif */